Sunday, December 21, 2014

My Canadian adventure so far...

Just to set the stage for my future posts, here's a little info on myself and what's been up with me here in Canada so far.

So I just migrated to Toronto, Ontario, Canada last April 2014 from the Philippines. I know a lot of Filipinos come to Canada for greener pastures and all that, but my reasons for going here are slightly different. Let's just say a little voice in my head told me to just pack up my bags and leave for Canada because there is supposed to be something here for me to do or learn.That little mysterious voice, however, said it wouldn't tell me what that something was. It was for me to discover when I get here. This wasn't the first time I've heard and listened to this voice, and following it in the past has taken me to far off places away from my comfort zone. The journeys were not necessarily always pleasant; they were actually some of the most trying times of my life. Yet, these ventures are among the best moments of my life. I remember coming back a changed person each time. And so this voice is asking me to cast out again, and I knew in my gut that I had to follow or else regret not knowing what I would have missed out on.

Leaving my life in the Philippines was hard for me, especially because so many things were going so well. My career was at its peak. I was doing work that I loved; I had a niche and people already sought out my services. I had a loving relationship with my family and friends. And I had just realized that I was in love with my best friend. I had so many reasons to stay. Following the voice entailed utmost faith, for I had to let go of a lot of people and things that I loved. But I felt I had to go anyway, perhaps precisely because my attachments were so strong. Maybe I needed to learn to be more non-attached? I don't know. I just knew I had to go no matter how painful leaving was.

The past few months here in Canada I've spent figuring out what that "purpose" is. I've picked up some clues here and there. Along the way, I've met some magnificent people with their own inspiring stories. I got to visit places that people who've lived here for years haven't even been to. But I've also gone through mountains of struggle, despair, and anguish, and it's still a continuous process of clawing myself out of the ditch. Through all of this though I've learned a few things about life, and these realizations I will share in coming posts.

For now, thank you for reading this. Talk to you again soon.

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